MeasureCamp Attendee Card

MeasureCamp is an open, free-to-attend unconference, different to any other digital analytics conference
I created a tool for MeasureCamp Attendee card
It’s super easy to use and helps you connect with others. The front card has your profile pic, and the back card has a LinkedIn QR code.
I’m not a front end developer, but i tried my best.
Create your card and share it on LinkedIn! Let’s make
#MeasureCamp awesome! 🙌
I have attached sample picture for attendee card from each city where MeasureCamp is planned in 2025

MeasureCamp was an idea conceived back in mid 2012 for a different type of Digital Analytics conference. They wanted something different to the traditional conference and were inspired by BarCamps.
The solution is a conference which is free to attend but held on a Saturday, so you must want to be there. A conference where everyone is welcome and indeed encouraged to contribute a session. Where sessions may be presentations or discussions or workshops or even game shows.
It sounds a bit chaotic and it can be. But out of that chaos, something special happens. People freely share their ideas and discover themselves learning more.